Curriculum Development

WITNESS is working on a series of curricula that offer a radical reimagining of how we address various harms. Power is currently in the hands of people who appear to be openly hostile to the most marginalized in society (Black people, Native people, the poor, LGBTQ+, immigrant communities, and more). These curricula are designed with an awareness of the horrors of the prison system - and the action that awareness demands. The Curriculum Developer will help create the syllabus and lesson plans for these courses as well as curate supplemental materials.



Responsibilities & Expectations:

  • Assist in designing a syllabus for a class on mass incarceration

  • Find and schedule speakers on each class topic 

  • Find outside resources (readings, films, podcasts, etc.) to accompany each week

  • Manage instructional materials 

  • Prepare weekly lesson plans



  • Excellent organizational skills

  • Excellent writing and communication skills

  • Experience in curriculum creation  

  • Education or related major recommended